Wednesday 26 August 2015

Hope vs Fear, Thrust vs Drag

Brothers and sisters in faith,
In medschool, and also other fields of knowledge, you'll find teachers who are scary and fierce. Teachers who are very "ganas" in giving punishments, thus instilling fear inside us. In a way, these types of teachers assure that a student does not fool around and therefore try harder to become more competent.

However, being scary and fierce alone are not enough. In fact, many times that those characteristics act like the "drag" force acting on an aeroplane, making a student feeling very down and even possibly giving up.

That is where the crucial role of teachers who are soothing and spreading hope comes into play. They act like the "thrust" force on the same aeroplane. However instead of pulling the plane backwards, they push the plane forward.

*Click [here] or [here] to read more about these forces.

Not that "drag" itself is unimportant. Drag is important for the sake of slowing down the plane when needed, for if not, the plane will crash. Similar to a student, such "drag" is needed to make sure that he/she is aware of his/her place, of his/her incompetency, therefore not doing anything reckless that may cause harm. (Do no harm, remember?)

Without a good brake/drag, an MVA is more likely to occur. Duh!
Brothers and sisters,
I believe that both these forces, both these characteristics, of being scary+fierce (drag), and of being soothing+giving hope (thrust), are crucial and very much possible to both exist in a teacher. Just try to think about it, just how many of the teachers that very much motivate you, are actually clever in balancing these two characteristics/forces.

And this is also what Islam teaches us to do in dakwah & tarbiyah. Sure, warning/scarying people about the severe punishment of Hellfire is a part of dakwah, but we often neglect the other crucial part ie. conveying hope and news about the beautiful reward of Heaven.
We are more often being enthusiastic in saying "Don't do this, don't do that! It is haram!", whereas that same enthusiasm seems less/absent in saying "Let's do this, let's do that! For Allah will love you more!"

Brothers and sisters,
We often hear the imam reciting surah Al-Baqarah (2) verse #23-24 during solat,
23. And if you are in doubt as to that which We have revealed to Our servant, then produce a chapter like it and call on your witnesses besides Allah if you are truthful.
24. But if you do not, and never shall you do, then be on your guard against the fire (an-naar) of which men and stones are the fuel; it is prepared for the unbelievers.
These ayats are clear warnings that Allah gives to us, so that we do not transgress His laws.
But let us not neglect the next ayat,
25. And convey good news to those who believe and do good deeds, that they shall have gardens (jannat) in which rivers flow; whenever they shall be given a portion of the fruit thereof, they shall say: This is what was given to us before; and they shall be given the like of it, and they shall have pure mates in them, and in them shall they abide.
Brothers and sisters,
Among the ibrah (lesson) we can take from those ayats, which we can apply in dakwah, is apart from reminding about the punishment for evil sins, we should also not forget the portion of conveying good and soothing news for the good deeds. You can also observe this 'style of dakwah' in surah Al-Kahfi (18) verse #2.

In fact, the word used in Al-Baqarah verse #25 is "bassyir" which means siti basyrina eh bukan "convey good news". And that word is in the form of "fi'il amar" ie. commanding tense, therefore something that we should absolutely do.

Because in dakwah, we should not forget to give hope and love (thrust), rather than merely giving warnings and punishments (drag).

So let's not lose hope, brothers and sisters. Including in our studies, although there are often times when we feel afraid and down, never lose hope in Allah. Feel the drag, but also increase your thrust. Have firm faith that after all our struggle lillahi ta'ala, the reward will be Jannah.

When faith begins, worries end.
All the best :)

Sunday 9 August 2015

Qawiyyul Jism

Dalam ma'alim sahsiyatul Islamiyyah (mengenali keperibadian Islam), kita diajar tentang sifat "qawiyyul jism" (tubuh badan yang kuat). [Klik & baca: Keperibadian Muslim]

Tapi apakah yang membezakan qawiyyul jism seorang Muslim/da'ie berbanding manusia biasa yang lain?

Qawiyyul jism seorang da'ie itu adalah dengan mencontohi kekuatan para anbiya' & orang-orang yang beriman dengan mereka. Iaitu rahsia kekuatan mereka adalah dengan menjauhi sifat al-wahn (cintakan dunia & takut mati), maka barulah kekuatan sejati itu akan wujud.
"Dan betapa banyak nabi yang berperang didampingi sejumlah besar daripada pengikut yang bertaqwa. Mereka tiada al-wahn dek bencana yang menimpanya di jalan Allah, tidak lemah, dan tidak menyerah. Dan Allah mencintai orang-orang yang sabar." [Ali Imran (3): 146]
Dan daripada kalangan anbiya', tak ternafikan bahawa Nabi-nabi ulul 'azmi lah yang luar biasa kuat, termasuklah kekuatan sifat sabar mereka.
Namun yang sebenarnya bahkan lebih kuat lagi daripada sifat sabar itu, ialah sifat keazaman mereka (hence the name ulul 'AZMI). Kerana tanpa keazaman yang kuat, bahkan bapa kita Nabi Adam a.s. pun pernah tergelincir.
"Dan sesungguhnya telah Kami perintahkan kepada Adam dahulu, tetapi dia lupa, dan Kami tidak dapati keazaman yang kuat padanya." [Taha (20): 115]
Oleh itu jom kita berusaha mendapatkan qawiyyul jism dengan cara:
1) meluruskan & mengikhlaskan niat
2) menguatkan keazaman & tekad
3) menjauhi al-wahn

Nescaya insya-Allah kita pasti mendapat kekuatan yg sejati.
Termasuklah dalam pengajian kita, andainya di pertengahan jalan, kita berasa lemah & lelah, REMEMBER WHY YOU STARTED!

Nah, qawiyyul jism itu bukanlah pada sadonya body, tapi contohnya pada:

Kekuatan mengangkat selimut untuk solat subuh,

Kekuatan menahan letih seorang murobbi merantau serta berkorban mengisi sesi usrah/halaqah, atau kekuatan seorang guru 'mengangkat' semangat muridnya,

Atau kekuatan seorang mad'u menahan kantuk serta lelah dalam ditarbiyah.

(termasuklah ketahanan kita dimaki-hamun ketika ward round hehe...)

Biar lelah, asalkan lillah. Jom!